Sunday, February 8, 2009

Decisions, decisions...

I'm a big fan of knitting at the computer. Husbeast set up a little round table with one computer on either side, so we can peek around and look at each other to make silly comments when necessary. This also leaves a lot of room for balls of yarn, scraps of yarn, and needles in various sizes. It's perfect; I can read my web comics, enjoy my super-geek online RPG, scan Ravelry, anything I want, and still get a few rows in here and there.

The problem is that The Puppeh thinks that any time either of us are sitting down, she belongs in a lap. Normally, this is a fantastic thing, because she really is a phenomenal little lap warmer. We don't have a cat, but she's smaller than most cats I've had anyway, so I figure she counts as a decent substitute.

Thing is? She hates the knitting.


She won't come into my lap if I've got the yarn in my hands. Tonight, I was working on Harlan's socks (the Harlot's Earl Grey pattern, if you must know, and yes I'm doing them two at once on one giant circ) and she just kept going from one side of the chair to the other, whining and whuffing and making all sorts of piteous little Puppy-people noises. It doesn't matter how I held the yarn up and away (because she has managed to get horrifically tangled in it), how I sit to make the lap nice and inviting, how many times I coo, "C'mon up, it's alright! Come ON!"...she simply will not.
She fusses and cries and paces around, but she won't come up until the knitting is down on the table.

I'm having a serious guilt issue here. I love the Puppeh. She's like my baby, complete with all the nasty vomit and potty issues (don't even get me started on the time she threw up inside my sweater...while I was wearing it).
But it's YARN. Really nice pretty yarn that, while splitty, is still making what look to be really pretty first-time-ever grownup socks. The stupid ribbing is taking me forever, because I'm just slow with that yet, but it's SO CLOSE to being done and getting to the good part! Work has been so hectic for the past week and a half I haven't had nearly as much time as usual to knit, and I feel like I just can't give up valuable time with the needles just because Bailey doesn't like sharing me with something else that's soft and fuzzy and nice.

Right now, we're compromising. She's sitting between my back and the back of the chair, keeping my kidneys warm and my hands free. I wrapped her up in the back of the sweater I started frogging a month or two ago and never finished. She seems to like, if she can't successfully keep me from knitting, she can at least benefit from my obsessiveness by snuggling up in the materials.

...I really need to find the camera so I can post pictures. She really is about the cutest thing on the whole damn planet.

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