Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ashes to ashes...

The day before last was spent in the soon-to-be-nursery dragging the not-so-sucktastic (which would be a compliment to a vacuum--being sucktastic, that is) Bissell monstrosity around by the hose. The sawdust war has begun, and I'm not sure who won the first battle. While the huge piles in the windows and corners have been vanquished, the floor is still not quite the color it should be, and the aforementioned Bissell managed to express its displeasure at the extended usage (I was crawling around for over an hour) by falling over on me repeatedly. Kind of hurt, but I have to say I felt pretty darn accomplished at the end of it. Some of the unusual items I vacuumed include (in no particular order):

-the window
-a giant purple suitcase. Not Barney purple, more a deep eggplant. Very nice. I've been told it's not practical though, since it's bigger than standard checked-luggage allowed at will require further cleaning attention before we try and sell it.
-a normal-sized black suitcase
-TWO pack-n-plays, one of which was an expensive hand-me-down that I loathe, the other is one Mum picked up at a garage sale when I first told her I was pregnant. It has elephants, is adorable, and is considerably easier to assemble and break down than the pricey one.
-a wicker love seat. Sawdust definitely won round one on this one...I'll keep you posted as the battle rages on, as this was actually the point where I got depressed over the lack of progress and quit for the day. I don't want to talk about it.
-the yarn bags. I actually put the hose up to one or two balls to see if it'd just made my Superwash Bamboo fuzzy. Crap...will have to re-evaluate yarn cleaning options.
-the saw and saw horse that caused the whole stinking mess in the first place (I couldn't drag it out of the room and through the house the way it was!)

So I've made some progress, to be sure, just not as much as I would have liked. I think I'll have to pull out the *new* Swiffer cover that I knit up and take it for a run in there to see how it fares against fine sawdust, because the vacuum is doing NOTHING to get it off the floor. Might use it on the walls, never know.
I'd post the pattern for said Swiffer cover, except it's going to be an item we'll be making and putting up for sale. That's right folks (I like to imagine there are people out there reading this) we're going to be making all-natural soaps as well as all the washcloths, scrubbies, soap sacks, and other miscellaneous items you could possibly need to clean yourself and your home. It's very exciting. More details to come...

PS-After reading my last, slightly whiny blog, I feel like I should apologize (although again, I'm not sure there's anyone to apologize to other than myself). While the breakdown given was technically correct on many days, the truth is I was feeling particularly loathsome when I wrote that up so it really was much more "blah" than it ever should have been. Things really aren't that bad, and obviously sitting down to type up a blog isn't something that's going to make or break me regarding tasks in a day. Wah-fest is done, and shan't be repeated.

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