Saturday, February 20, 2010


This blog thing is not as easy to keep up with as I had imagined it would be. Heck, the baby isn't as easy to keep up with as I had imagined. Where I believed I'd have all sorts of spare time to have knitting fly freely off the needles while my darling child slept soundly beside me, the reality set in and kicked my butt about two months ago. Yes, he's a little dearheart, and seems to know exactly when Mommy is about to have some sort of meltdown so he can shoot me one of his big, goofy, gummy-mouthed smiles to avert the aforementioned pending disaster. But his sleeping time has become one of three things:

1-Nap time. Seriously. After the first few weeks of snatching 2-3 hour blips of sleep and functioning mostly on adrenaline, I thought I'd feel SPECTACULAR when the bullfrog started sleeping longer. Well, he has, and to be honest I feel worse now than I did before. Maybe it's because I'm hitting deep sleep and being wrenched back out of it before I've had half as much as I need, but I feel more run-down the more sleep I get.

2-Frantic Cleaning Time. Because as we all know, the dirt doesn't stop just because you want it to. Nor do the dishes wash themselves. (Why haven't scientists gotten on this one? I'm not talking dish washer, that requires loading and unloading and gets full. I want self-washing dishes that put themselves away.)

3-Cooking. This one isn't such a big deal, except when there's something on the menu that takes more focus and energy to put together than I can muster--usually because I skipped #1 to work on #2. I've come up with some tasty new things, and everyone is enjoying dinner time, but if I really work on this like I want to, it leaves a mess that loops back to #2 either that night or the next day, either of which--one again--interferes with #1.

Nap time eclipsed knitting time long ago, and I can't even get that in as often as I'd like. The house is still a happy little disaster and is never as clean as anyone would like, and there's still at least one night a week where I throw something frozen--usually fish--in the oven because I'm just too beat to consider anything else.

How do people do it when they're working full-time?? I hardly ever leave the house and I feel like I'm drowning in unaccomplished tasks.

I think what I'm going to try and do is set myself up a schedule. Yes, it's a little lame and will probably end up looking like those chores sheets parents set up for their kids, but I do well with lists. I'm sort of neurotic about them, actually, it's one of the many things that makes Ravelry so dangerous (but that's neither here nor there). I'm also going to be setting up a spreadsheet to plug in the month's grocery expenditures so we can figure out where all the money's going and get the spending under control. Having a weekly menu planned helps, and I had tried to set things up for Monday and Thursday shopping days, but life seems to interrupt way too often to make that work the way I'd like it to.
Unfortunately, I don't have anything on my computer that does spreadsheets. Not even Microsoft Word, let alone Excel. So the first order of business will be to get that straightened out...because there are all sorts of knitterly pursuits that could be documented as well.

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