Wednesday, January 27, 2010


-Will be up either later today or sometime tomorrow. I'm such a tease.

I did find the camera though, which is the first step in photo-documentation. I even took a few pictures. Not of everything, though, and dangit, I want it all!

Last night in a wine-induced tipsiness, I finished off the Seaweed I was working on so as to use it while running around for appointments today. I need to go back around the button holes to tighten them up a bit (apparently 2 stitches was too many to cast off-ah well) but other than that, I declare it perfect. The Cadena yarn from Knit Picks knit up beautifully, the color is exactly what I hoped it would be (not too orange, not too purple, and not too bright) and while it fit over the Little Man well, there's plenty of stretch for him to grow in to. I'm excited to make myself a matching hat, and maybe one for him too, since there will probably be enough yarn left and the last one I made him is now too small. Not trying to be stupidly match-y, but I'm working on a limited budget here.

Other than that, things are a mess because of renovations, but that's another post altogether as I now need to go change a diaper.

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